Your Workout Skincare Guide

Exercising is such an important part of ones life. But if you’re anything like me and you love exercising AND have acne-prone skin at the same time, then you’ll want to keep reading and follow my guide to maintain flawless skin while still enjoying your HIIT workout!

Before Your Workout

  1. Before you head to your workout, always make sure you’ve removed any makeup from the day. Without having a clean face, old or stale makeup from the day can clog the pores and cause acne. if going makeup-free isn’t your thing, I recommend a tinted SPF such as The Purest Solutions This SPF has a light tint to it, providing coverage to areas of your choice, helping with a smoother and evened-out tone to the skin.

During Your Workout

  1. Use a clean gym towel. You always want to make sure you have a towel in your workout. This is to wipe the sweat from your face, instead of using your fingers. Use a medium to soft thickness towel – anything hard will be too rough to use on the face. After each workout you must wash the towel. Not washing it can cause a growth of bacteria in the material fibers, which will transfer to your skin the next time you use it!
  2. Keep your hair off your face. This may sound silly, but I see a lot of woman workout with their hair untied. What a lot of people forget, is that oils from your hair can very easily clog the pores in our skin. For anyone who is acne-prone, you want as little oil on your skin as possible. So tying up your hair when you workout is not only more comfortable, but also the wisest choice when preventing the spread of acne and congestion on the skin.
  3. Don’t touch your face. Think about the equipment that you pick up during a workout, and how many people have touched that exact item in that week. Touching your skin after that will cause some serious damage in the future. So when you feel the urge to touch, itch or scratch…rather use your gym towel to do the honors!

After Your Workout

  1. Cleanse immediately. As soon as you are home, wash your face with a gentle, sulfate-free face wash. This will remove any sweat, oils and impurities from the skin.
  2. Tone the skin. Use a toner with calming ingredients like witch hazel or rose water to balance your skin’s pH and tighten pores.
  3. Hydrate and Moisturize: Replenish lost moisture with a hydrating serum followed by a lightweight moisturizer.
  4. Spot Treatment: If prone to breakouts, apply a spot treatment with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to target problem areas.

Extra Tips

  1. Change out of workout clothes: Quickly change out of sweaty clothes to prevent body acne.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain overall skin health and hydration.
  3. Exfoliate Weekly: Use a gentle exfoliant once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and keep pores clear.
  4. Use Antioxidants: Incorporate products with antioxidants like vitamin C to protect skin from environmental stressors.

Follow these tips above to be able to enjoy your workout, without the added stress of worrying whether you’ll wake up with a spot or two the next morning!

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How To Get Your Man To Care For His Skin

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably embarked on your own journey trying to get your man to take care of his skin. Six years down the line, I can confidently say that my man now knows all about double cleansing, extraction, and the importance of daily SPF. It only took us six years!

When it comes to male skin, the main differences between men and women are twofold: men genetically have oilier skin and they also have facial hair—thick, coarse facial hair! I understand that adopting a skincare routine that penetrates beneath that beard can be a bit daunting. But that doesn’t mean our partners are exempt from skincare. Here are some tips to help educate your man to view his skin as an investment rather than a chore

1. Make him talk

By this, I mean get him used to talking about his skin. For example, you could ask him how his skin feels that day – is it dry, sensitive, oily, or congested? By asking him this simple question, it can help you and him incorporate a certain product/s into his routine that will start targeting that concern.

2. Use easy terminology

Keep your discussion around skincare with him simple. He doesn’t need to know how that serum is going to promote collagen synthesis, or how this cream can prevent free radical damage. Keep it simple by letting him know that the serum he just used can prevent ageing, or how that certain SPF reduces pigmentation caused by the sun.

3. Watch out for texture

Texture matters a lot to men. Not the texture of varnish from the hardware store, but the texture or ‘heaviness’ of the creams he uses. For a man new to skincare, diving into oils, lotions, and potions might be overwhelming. opt for lightweight or water-based products initially..

4. Start low and slow

Slow and steady wins the race here, ladies. If you are helping your partner develop a skincare routine, then it’s crucial that you start with around 3 products. This can be a cleanser, toner and SPF. If, after a couple of weeks he’s coping well, then you can always incorporate another step- like a toner, exfoliator or eye cream!

5. Address the beard

If your partner has a thick, full beard, he might be reluctant to cleanse it because it takes time. Help him with cleansing his beard to show him exactly how to do it. Always ensure he emulsifies the cleanser in his hand before applying it. Work the product into his beard to remove all the dirt and impurities hiding in those hair follicles.

6. Have some fun

It’s not all teaching and lessons over here! Incorporate some fun activities like homemade masks or store-bought sheet masks. This way he can still get the benefit from the product, but also have his partner join in on a bonding activity with him.

I hope these six tips help you come up with ideas to encourage your partner to care for his skin! Remember, it doesn’t need to be complicated or lengthy—just simple and informative. Good luck!

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Collagen this, collagen that, but what is it REALLY?

There’s a lot of talk about collagen lately, from capsules to powders. You’ve probably questioned the hype and wondered whether it’s necessary. I certainly have. Let’s dive in!

What is collagen?

First and foremost, we need to know what collagen is. Collagen is a protein found throughout our body and is extremely vital. It accounts for around 30% of our body’s total protein. Collagen provides strength and support to our bones, tendons, and muscles. For our skin, it supports elasticity and suppleness, helping to keep our skin from sagging!

Why is collagen necessary, and why do people supplement with is?

The hard truth is that collagen starts to deplete in our bodies by 1% every year from the age of 30. Hence, there’s a growing market for collagen supplements.

Physical Signs of Collagen Loss

  1. Lines & Wrinkles: This is probably the first sign of collagen depletion. You will most likely notice etched lines under the eyes, around the mouth, or along the forehead.
  2. Sagging Skin: Collagen helps our skin resist the force of gravity. When collagen depletes, this support structure weakens, causing sagging around the mouth, neck, eyelids, and cheeks.
  3. Loss of Elasticity: Collagen and elastin are like sisters and need to stick together. When collagen depletes, so does elastin. This results in skin that looks flatter and doesn’t spring back if pinched.

What Damages Collagen?

  1. Refined Sugars: Excessive sugar intake leads to glycation, a process where sugar molecules attach to collagen, making the fibers stiff and unmanageable.
  2. Smoking: Smoking releases chemicals that attach to the skin, damaging collagen and elastin fibers. It also floods the skin with free radicals, damaging DNA and leading to lines, wrinkles, sagging, and dull-looking skin.
  3. Overexposure to UV: Too much sun exposure allows UV rays to penetrate the skin’s dermis, breaking down collagen and elastin fibers, causing premature aging and pigmentation issues.

How to Boost Collagen in the Body

  1. Diet:
    • Vitamin C: Foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, are excellent for boosting collagen.
    • Protein: Eating protein-rich foods like lean meat, fish, eggs, and legumes can enhance collagen synthesis.
    • Bone Broth: Bone broth contains collagen and can provide an added boost.
  2. Products: Using topical skincare products containing retinol, vitamin C, peptides, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides can boost collagen and protect the skin from damage and water loss.

In summary

Hopefully, you now understand how crucial collagen is for our body and skin. When it comes to aging, prevention is better than cure. If you are 30 years old or older, it’s a good idea to adjust your routine to incorporate natural collagen and elastin boosters. Even small changes can make a significant difference in just four weeks!

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